As I strolled down the street
I noticed a big yellow sign
It said “soul for sale”
Only for a limited time
I noticed the ten-digit number
And quickly jotted it down
And continued on my stroll
On the cobble streets of town
My curious mind wondered
How can you sell a soul
And decided I would call
As soon as I got home
As I dialed the number
I remembered an interesting sight
A little boy with a poster and pen
Quickly riding away on his bike
A waiter answered the phone
Then I knew it was a place to dine
He said the special is “soup for sale”
Only for a limited time
I hung up the phone
And I started to laugh at myself
Because I realized the boy wrote the poster
And soup was just misspelled


Have a seat my love
And let’s have a talk
I noticed something different
In the way that you walk
Is that a new dress you’re wearing
Your hair looks mighty fine
Didn’t you go to work today
When did you find the time
Why the suspicious look
Is everything alright
Sit back down my love
I’m not looking for a fight
But there’s something I must bring up
Something I can’t get off my mind
I noticed a number in your cell phone
And the name I didn’t recognize
So out of curiosity I decided to call
And a man answered the phone
Saying he’d be late tomorrow
When he found out I wasn’t you
He quickly hung up the phone
And when I called the number back
I got a busy tone
It seems you have some secrets
So be honest if you do
I promise I won’t get mad
Because I have more than a few


The sweat rolls down my face
And I get nervous by the minute
My heart beats at a steady pace
And I’m praying I don’t forget it
I’m pacing back and forth
Waiting for you to arrive
Hoping everything will be perfect
When I ask you to be my wife
I see you coming now
And my heart skips a beat
You smile at me tenderly
Putting my mind at ease
You seem to have no clue
Of what the evening has in store
And I casually ask you to join me
Out on the dance floor
As we glide to the music
I pour out my heart to you
And the tears in yours eyes
Say you feel the same way too
I gently hold your hand
And get down on one knee
I gaze into your eyes
And ask you to marry me
You happily scream yes
Holding me like you don’t want to let go
And I kiss you lovingly
Relieved you didn’t say no
Everything would have been perfect
If I didn’t forget one thing
As I reached into my pocket
I realized I forgot the ring


Come here my love
And give me a taste
That beautiful part of you
That resides on your face
It feels so good to me
When they touch my skin
When they spread apart
My tongue begs to come in
Oh how do I love thee
Let me count the ways
The feeling that you bring
Makes me need you everyday
Like the taste of cinnamon and sugar
On my tongue and finger tips
My favorite part of you
Your sweet honey lips

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